Month: July 2020

A New Beginning 🌱

We have all heard of spam mail or junk mail…it’s the occasional ad you didn’t sign up for, but it was sent your way, like an opinion you didn’t need…well imagine a life full of hidden junk mail.. it’s really messy… it takes a while for you to sort out..but once you block it all out..your life resumes on… that was me a couple of months ago! Except my junk mail was actually people…

Life is a crazy gift, it could be anything, really it’s up to you…to make the most of it some people choose to embrace life every day, some choose to waste it on negative energy. For me I’ve always wanted to inspire, to genuinely celebrate every day! I’ve always wanted to share and that’s what inspired me to blog! Everything that gave me happiness- A walk on a beautiful street, The best ice cream cone ever, my favorite place to shop, Capturing whatever made me smile, spending time with my loved ones! But most of all connecting with people! I am a social bug!

I stand true to that till this day, sometimes I feel like I shared too much. I gave too much of myself to the wrong people…some, Who did not receive my energy purely. It was like I was battling with a bunch of energy vampires. Some came to me in the sweetest form… so ready to help, so ready to rob me of happiness, So ready to gain… your energy is what fuels your soul. If you let someone who is not here for you absorb your energy and your time it can affect you in ways like no other….

I decided to take a break from social media there was a lot behind the scenes going on. Everything I did was being compared and that was not my intentions. My words were getting twisted and I was up against a pack of vampires who wanted what I had. Little did I know I was playing right into their tricks.

It was a great break I learned so much about myself, my values which I’ll always stay true to! I grew so much in that time! I even interior designed a whole new company! I poured my heart and soul into it! It was birth of a whole new person!

Tutu’s garden @ kelani

Little did I know this little garden shop would give me so much joy and happiness! Every day was magical… it gave me something to look forward to and I loved watching all the flowers grow!

Some people are too oblivious sometimes to realize when someone has bad intentions for you, I was one of them! Simply because I liked to see the best in people, now I seek the truth…it can be tricky…They come well-dressed it’s hard to figure out who has your back these days…

I did a complete cleanse of the energy vampires, it’s a real thing believe it or not!

I pray this inspires you to never stop doing what you love. don’t ever put a flame out just because someone can’t take the heat. Those people are not your people and they are not for you! Continue to do what you love and do it with all your heart and soul

Xoxo, MmmCoutureBlog